TravelVAX Vaccinations Clinic



in 2015, nearly half of the world’s population – 3.2 billion people – was at risk of Malaria.


Bite from a female Anopheles mosquito infected with malaria parasites called Plasmodium. There are different types of Plasmodium parasites that can cause malaria: falciparum,vivax, ovale, malariae and knowlesi


Worldwide annually.


Fever, headache, chills, vomiting. Symptoms usually appear between 7 to 18 days, but can also take up to a year to develop.


Seizures, mental confusion, kidney failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, coma, and death The most important factors determining patient survival are early diagnosis and appropriate therapy.​

Awareness of the risk.​

Involves several steps, known as the A, B, C, D of malaria prevention.​

Awareness of risk before travelling.
Check whether chemoprophylaxis is needed (use appropriate malaria prevention tablets).
Diagnosis (seek immediate medical attention is displaying symptoms).
Bite prevention:

– Take the preventive measures when mosquitoes are most    active, particularly from sunset to sunrise.
– Use a recommended insect repellent containing eitherIcardin (20%) or DEET
– Wear appropriate clothing (e.g.long sleeved shirt, long pants).
– Use physical barriers, such as bed nets and window screens.